Monday 8 February 2010

We're not too good at updating this, are we?! Never mind. We've been busy though - Anthony's just finished his prototype for a new product, and I'm busy designing him a proper website. (I'll let you know when I've finished so you can have a look and comment if you like.)
He's decided to diversify from just wood products (although the wood stuff is definitely still ongoing). The principle behind everything he makes though, is that it's all recycled from what others have discarded as waste.
So here is the prototype chiminea that he's done this weekend.

The gas bottle on the left is to show what the chiminea was a few days ago! It's really good - it kicks out so much heat it's going to be fabulous for those long, late, spring & summer evenings in the garden.

I'll let you know when the website is finished.