Sunday, 14 June 2009

A comment from Sonia

Hi! I just wanted to add to Anthony's comments below with my own perspective and background on all this.

I am utterly frustrated by the consumerist society we live in and that is imposed on us. I think Orwell wasn't so much a ficiton writer as a prophet. We are controlled, monitored, and dictated to by people in control who want us to conform. We've gone so far away from what's "real" in life - living in harmony with nature and what really matters - that we've lost the plot. I've had enough of that and I want to change the way I live to reflect that.

As I sit here in my 3 bedroomed house on an estate in a nice area, I reflect on what brought me here and the person I'd become. Underneath everything I've always been an anti-establishment hippy. For a number of reasons I was sucked into the consumerist way of life for a while - but now I know I wasn't happy then, and I'm very relieved to be getting out of it. I would point out that right now having made these changes in my life to get away from the consumerism I was sucked into, I am less stressed than I have ever been in my 35 years of life. I'm also a lot happier.
Another thing I've learned over the last 2 years is that if you want something enough you can always achieve it. It might not be easy, it might not be straightforward or quick - but if you want it enough and are prepared to put the effort in you can achieve ANYTHING.
I have every intention that we will achieve our dream and one day will be typing this from our self-sufficient farm.

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