Friday, 31 July 2009

The journey begins

We've accepted an offer on the house! I'm not going to bore you with the details of it - but basically for us this is the start of the new way of life. Escaping this suburban box is the first step of many in breaking free from where we are at the moment. We'll just go and rent somewhere for 6 months for now to give us some breathing (and saving) space - while we work out how to get our 5 acres!!

We're also doing some business planning on the wood work stuff that Anthony is churning out at a great rate! If nothing else we need to start selling stuff just to clear some space! If anyone is interested in any of it just pop a note on here of the sort of thing you want and I can start putting more pictures up. Chopping boards, clocks, candle and tea light holders, boxes, trugs etc etc are all currently in stock and available!



  1. How exciting, I look forward to following your progress. We have a wormery too, but it has no compartments, so it will be interesting to see how yours wishes Kath

  2. Ooooooooooooooh pictures and prices would be good!I am starting early on Christmas boxes you see, spread the cost!
