Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Another step

Another big step achieved today - we've found the place we're going to live in next (pending the necessary paperwork of course). It is only a stepping stone - no significant acreage at this stage! - but it's lovely and in the right place. It's a little old stone cottage in a tiny village just outside Helston. The landlord is happy with pets being there, it's got a proper fire, it's got a woodshed and it's also got a garage that will become Anthony's workshop. A pub in the village would make it 10/10 but we'll settle for 9/10 for now!

The worms are doing OK - I don't think we're overfeeding them but it's a little hard to tell at times - worms aren't great communicators really.

Everything else is just sort of on hold at the moment - we're in complete limbo but we've got an end in sight now so we're doing OK. There's plenty to organise - I've got a load of furniture to get rid of before we move!


1 comment:

  1. It sounds idyllic, of course, with no pub, you will have to brew your own beer now LOL Glad you found somewhere to live where you can have your animals, not always easy. Be sure to post a pic, so we can all be jealous! Kath
