Saturday, 21 August 2010

Well - It's been a very long time since we've been on here. Mainly because there just hasn't been anything to report. We've been desperately trying to pull things together so we can begin the lifestyle we want - and suddenly in the last few weeks it's all been falling into place.

So I am delighted to be able to tell you that as of 1st September we will be renting 4 acres of land (although we already have access to it now). We picked up 14 rescued battery chickens this morning and put them into their new home. It's horrific seeing the state some of them are in - but satisfying knowing that we will give them a great new start.

In fact - only 2 hours after putting them into their new home we had our very 1st egg!

We've also got a tractor! It's a compact Ford tractor in very good condition. It's already stored up at the farm so there's loads of plans to use it.

Anthony finishes work next week (redundancy) so launches his new business officially after that (property maintenance / handyman). The idea is that the business will give us some initial income which will go back into the farm for now, and the recycled wood business will be in the background for now while we get established.

On the farm we're planning to get a couple of pigs and a couple of goats to start with, along with the chickens, and grow a ton of veg / fruit. Eventually we'd like to add in more chickens that we breed ourselves for meat (rather than these battery ones which are just for the eggs), geese and bees.

And although we're not living up at the farm, it's only 3 miles away so easy to get to each day.

So finally - things are coming into place. All we need now is for me to find a way out of the day job while still being able to cover living expenses and we'll be sorted! :-)


  1. How exciting, 4 acres will keep you busy:) I'm sure the chickens feel like they are in Heaven, heartbreaking to see the conditions they survive in. Hopefully down the track you will be able to rescue some more♥ What a talented wood craver Anthony is. DH and I would love a little cottage or two up, two down, back in the UK close to my family who live in the Peak District (Glossop). Sigh...... Going stress free seems such a wonderful life and it looks as though you are finally getting a good start to achieve that. I wish you both all the very best as you begin your journey and look forward to a few updates along the way:) Linda

  2. You must be so excited, it's all coming together for you. How far you have come since you started this Blog. I'm so pleased. Your energy and enthusiasm will enable you to make a great success of your new lifestyle, I;m sure.
